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Hi everyone!

In this short article, I will explain how to measure your forefoot and your instep. For most of our models, we need to know these two measures. This ensures we can provide you with the very best fit possible. Don’t worry, it's quick (about 5/8 min) and easy.

What do you need?

All you need is a tailors tape meter. If you don’t have one, you can replace it with a simple piece of string and a ruler. Also, if you can get someone’s help, it’s always a plus!

Let’s start with your forefoot…

You need to place the tailors tape measure (or the string) around your foot, just after the toes. Try to ensure that you are standing with your foot to the floor (this is where someone’s help may come in handy, unless you’re feeling particularly flexible ;-) ).

Try to follow the illustration below as closely as possible. Be careful with the positioning of the tape measure. For example, if you have a hallux valgus/quintus varus (bump(s) more or less pronounced near your toes), the tape measure should pass next to it and not over it.

To give you an idea, the forefoot of a 38 (French size) measures about 21 cm. The measurements must be taken in cm. We will need to know the measurement of both your right and left foot.

Forefoot measurement:


Then, with the same approach as the forefoot, you can measure your instep, again for both feet. The tape measure should pass to about 1.50 cm before the leg starts.

For a regular 38 (French shoe size), the forefoot measure is 23 cm.

Instep measurement:


Here we are! You now know your forefoot and instep measurements. Just use these measurements to fill out the boxes reserved for this purpose when placing your order

If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us by email ( or phone at 00 33 (0)4 94 43 37 42 or 00 33 (0) 4 94 97 78 02.

Clara Rondini




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